Retro Network Turns
!1 Year old!
Wow it's already been one year since this site launched in 2022
The main reason i created this site is to help legacy browsers and
operating systems survive in the modern web. It is because google
search results are rigged against HTTP sites
The comming months saw the second TLS apocalypse with TLS 1.3.
Feedburner got butchered with HTML5. And Windows 7 support ended in
january 17th 2023
But Retro Network Still stands
And i have brought whats left of the old Internet together
We have created a thriving Comunity and to tell those other sites newer isn't always better
Stay tuned i have BIG plans for Retro Network
In the future i plan to host actual services
I plan to host an instance of teddit (a reddit web client) among other things!
I would like to thank everyone for visiting my site and shoutouts to The Old Net for listing Retro Network on the Webring without The Old Net webring Retro Network won't be successful as it would today!
Signed Jackson Adams (creator of Retro Network)
(C) Jackson Adams 2022-2023